Wheel Open Studio Weekday

Wheel Open Studio Weekday

Rs. 200
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Product Information

What is open studio -
Open studio is for anyone and everyone to practice their skills and make articles Studio will only be providing with the space and equipment ( wheel or hand-building stations). The rest should be brought by the member (refer point no.1).

Note: Open Studio is not a Workshop it is for people to use the space to practice and explore

Guidelines - 

  1. Things to be bring - Clay, Tools, masking tape, Pen, Scissor Pencil, Brush(Used for clay only) and Apron
  2. Shelf Space - A board of size 40*25 cm. The pieces should be discarded or taken back on the last day of the open studio.
    All pieces should include proper signature for easy identification of your pieces. Unsigned pieces will be discarded from the studio
  3. Firing and Glazing - For firing pieces, you will be charged for the storage till the pieces dry. These services are not part of the open studio. You can separately book  firing service from here
  4. Friends and Family - Children and friends of members are NOT allowed in the facility during open studio hours.

Note : 

  1. Production - If an artist wants to start producing and saving pieces more pieces, they have to buy additional storage.
  2. Left over pieces - Studio space is being commonly used across various classes and therefore leftover pieces will be discarded to make space for the next batches post the open studio dates are over.
  3. Cleaning - Members using open studio should clean the wheel, wedging tables and work tables thoroughly, so that the person using after you gets the space in the same condition as you got.

Online Store Links -

  1. Clay - https://online.claystation.in/collections/mid-range
  2. Tools - https://online.claystation.in/collections/pottery-tools-and-sets
  3. Storage -https://online.claystation.in/collections/makers-space 

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