Sandalwood Clay - 10 Kgs Pack

Sandalwood Clay - 10 Kgs Pack

Rs. 550
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Product Information

Ideal clay body for wheel work. This in-house clay has been created for making functional and non-functional pieces and can be paired with range of glazes. It fires to sandalwood color.  Good body for Engobe and Slip work.

Ideal for: Handbuilding, Wheel throwing, Sculpting
Dry Shrinkage: 5%
Fired Shrinkage: 12-14%
Absorption: 2.2%
Firing temperature: Cone 6-7

These properties can change if fired at different temperature. Also few clay properties differ between handmade and wheel-thrown pieces, so here's more data for clarity.

1. Hand building fired @ Cone 6 (1223 Deg C), 30 minutes hold:

Dry Shrinkage  3-4 %
Fired Shrinkage  8-9 %
Final Shrinkage  12-13%
Absorption  1-2%


2. Wheel throwing fired @ Cone (1223 Deg C), 30 minutes hold: :

Dry Shrinkage  4-5 %
Fired Shrinkage  8-9 %
Final Shrinkage  13-14%
Absorption  1-2%


Additional Information:

  • Dry shrinkage is determined by measuring the reduction in shrinkage after the manufacturing stage to the bone-dried stage.

  • Firing shrinkage is determined by measuring the reduction in shrinkage after the bone-dried stage to the final fired stage (Cone 6 or Cone 7)

  • Absorption is also called as porosity of a clay body 


  • The drying and overall shrinkage of wheel-thrown items can differ based on the water content used while making.

  • To obtain batch-specific shrinkage and porosity details for bulk orders, please reach out to us at 9108851707.

To buy at discounted Prices- Contact 9108851707. Bulk purchase option at discounted price is not available through Website.

 Miniumum Qty Discount
21+ Rs 77.00 off
51+ Rs 130.00 off
101+ Rs 182.00 off


Shipping and delivery:

For order quantity more than 100 kgs, if you prefer to opt for customized shipping rates, use warehouse pick up option during check out. Our representative will call to coordinate.

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